Cybersecurity Consulting for Financial Advisors

Protect Your Financial Business from Cyber Threats

Are You Prepared for the High Costs of a Ransomware Breach?

Avoid risking your clients' wealth. Stay ahead of the game and ensure your financial firm and clients' data is secure & compliant with the guidance and consulting of your financial Cyber Sensei.

  • Advanced Risk Assessment - Get real, actionable recommendations and SOPs against cyber threats.

  • Proactive Cybersecurity Protection - State-of-the-art technologies and protocols will keep your systems protected in real-time.

  • Peace of Mind - Your sensitive information is well-protected, and you can focus on your clients' wealth without worrying about cyberattacks.

What Would You Do to Avoid Lost Wealth and FTC Fines?

Effective June 2023, all financial institutions must comply with the updated Financial Data Security Rule. This means, it is literally illegal for you to not have a cyber professional to oversee and guard your data.

Let IronHand be your Cyber Sensei. You will get an iron-clad cyber shield against ransomware so you can preserve the Assets Under Management you've worked so hard to help your clients build and protect. You'll avoid hours of unpaid time and frustration on the phone with tech support, trying to put together a security protocol.

  • Consultation

We'll sit down, chat & assess your current security posture.

  • Initial Systems Scan

We'll identify any security holes before they become a problem, and draw up a comprehensive plan to prevent & protect your systems from breaches.

  • Followup & Results

Your Cyber Sensei is there to evaluate your data for compliance and protection -- ensuring maximum protection at any time.

Picture This...

Think of a financial advisor like yourself. Let's name him James. James has a large high net worth clientele, but he's increasingly concerned about the security of his clients' data. With the updated Federal Financial Data Security Rule, he knew he needed to take action to protect his clients and his firm from cyber threats.

After extensive research, he found IronHand Cyber Security. As his Cyber Sensei, they offered personalized consulting to James. They took the time to understand his financial firm and his clients -- and provided comprehensive, effective solutions to the weak spots in his systems.

Their team of professionals guided James on everything from data protection methodologies to employee training.

Now, his staff & hardware are well-equipped to identify & avoid cyber threats. In addition, IronHand implements the software and tools that James needed to fortify his cybersecurity. They also provide regular check-ins and updates to help him stay current and informed as new threats emerge.

James is extremely satisfied with IronHand's attentiveness to his situation. At last, he has the peace of mind he needs to focus on his business, knowing his clients' data is secure!

Financial Security

Don't let cyberattacks threaten your financial advisory business or compromise your client's sensitive data. Choose IronHand as your virtual Chief Security Officer.

Get Direct Support

Need cybersecurity help? Request a consultation, or call us for direct guidance from your IronHand Cyber Sensei.


8 am - 5 pm (Mountain Time)

IronHand Cyber Security - Your Cyber Sensei

7135 E Camelback Rd #230

Scottsdale, AZ 85251

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